| PeaZip Archiving, compression and encryption tool  PeaZip is an open source (LGPL), cross platform, portable archiver, supporting many archive formats: 7Z, BZ2, GZ, QUAD, PAQ, PEA, TAR, ZIP; reads ACE, ARJ, CAB, DEB, ISO, LHA, RAR, RPM etc... (see full list). It's tested on various Windows versions (98, 2000, XP, Vista) and various Linux distributions. The program allows to edit, save and restore archive's layouts; apply powerful multiple filters to archive's content; extract multiple archives at once; save job definition as command line; save detailed job logs, encrypt and split/join files; compress executable with strip/UPX. The program can be used from GUI and from scripts as well. Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista Linux -----------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Download 5.37 MB  |
 | ZipGenius 6.0 Suite Edition Unique zip and unzip suite  ZipGeniuscan handle more than 20 compressed archive types, so it is a perfet companion for your work and daily activities; but ZipGenius doesn't handle compressed archives, only: it is flexible and expandable so it could almost everything you want from it. ZipGenius is a FREEWARE product, it is absolutely free for everybody and it can be installed in any environment and on an unlimited number of workstations (private, professional/commercial, corporate, educational, government environments are welcome). Win 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista -----------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Download 5.1 MB 
 | jZip A free alternative to WinZip  jZip is a new and free compression utility for Windows. jZip supports multiple popular archive formats such as Zip, RAR, 7z, ISO, TAR and GZip. It is fully compatible with archives created by other utilities such as WinZip, WinRar and 7-Zip. Create Zip compatible files Unzip any Zip file archives Supports other archive formats like TAR, GZip and RAR Improved compression ratio Fast compression engine. Win XP/Vista -----------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Download 4.99 MB  |
 | bxAutoZip for Outlook Automated compression for Outlook and Outlook Express!  bxAutoZip is a dedicated add-in utility for Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express which automatically and independently compresses any files attached to an e-mail message. Compression dramatically reduces the size of e-mail attachments, allowing much faster transfer times. The result is significant savings in time and money for both the sender and the recipient. Thanks to the program's seamless integration into Outlook and Outlook Express, not one single extra step is required to zip the files. Outlook Express download can be found here Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |  Download 1.26 MB  |
 | ALZip Create and extract archive files  Need a compression utility that is easy for users? ALZip is the perfect solution for you. It is easy enough for small children, but powerful enough for you, AND your users can all have it at home for FREE! That means less training and less user support, and more time for you. The friendly and unpretentious interface of ALZip gives you instant access to raw archiving power. Explore some of the benefits you'll receive from ALZip such as: No learning curve If you know how to click on a file, you already know how to use ALZip. It's that easy. User-friendly When you need to do more complex operations, ALZip's user interface lets you do new tasks the first time. Comprehensive Unlike many archivers and zip programs that have need plugins and extras, ALZip is all inclusive. One program. One price. Because ALZip is all you'll ever need. Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |  Download 6.54 MB |
 | 7-Zip File compression tool  7-Zip is a file archiver with highest compression ratio. 7-Zip is free software distributed under the GNU LGPL. The main features of 7-Zip: Highest compression ratio in new 7z format with LZMA compression 7-Zip is free software distributed under the GNU LGPL Supported formats: 7z, ZIP, CAB, RAR, ARJ, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, CPIO, RPM and DEB For ZIP and GZIP formats 7-Zip provides compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip Self-extracting capability for 7z format Integration with Windows Shell Powerful File Manager Powerful command line version Plugin for FAR Manager Localizations for 47 languages Win 98/ME/2000/XP -----------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Download 918 KB  |
 | FreeExtractor  FreeExtractor is the easiest way to create self-extracting archives for Windows from existing ZIP files. It is an excellent open-source solution for packaging software programs and for distributing files to friends and colleagues over the Internet. With a Windows 2000-style wizard-based user interface, end users will find FreeExtractor-created archives intuitive, fast and easy to use. Self-extractor authors follow a simple 4-step wizard which guides them through the process. Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |  Download 102.5 KB  |
 | ExtractNow Extract multiple archives  ExtractNow lets you extract multiple archives with the click of a button. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, JAR, ISO, IMG, IMA, IMZ, BIN, MP3 (MP3>WAV), LHZ, LHA file formats. Drag and drop files or folders from Explorer to extract them Detailed history of extraction procedures Simple user interface and sleek design in a small package Recursively search through folders for archives Delete files or close program after extraction options Windows explorer file associations for all file types Extract files into current directory, named folder, or favorite folder of choice File type masking for ZIP, RAR, & ACE System tray icon on Minimize and Always on top features Write to file option allows logging of extraction procedures Win 95/98/ME/2000/XP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |  Download 938.7 KB 
 | Quick Zip Compression utility QuickZip is a freeware archiver that can open and extract 14 kinds of archives including .zip without using external programs. It can create a tiny setup program (22kb), turn .zip into self extractables (SFX) with progress bars, e-mailing archives, listing archive in HTML or text format, provide an advance context menu that shows the contents of a .zip and includes icons for each type of archive. It can show the archive directory list when loading any archive. The archive loading speed is very fast, even if the archive includes thousands of files. QuickZip has been translated into 8 different languages and you can toggle the language anytime. Windows NT/ME/2000/XP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |  Download 4.20 MB  |
 | TUGZip Archive utility  TUGZip is a powerful award-winning freeware archiving utility for Windows® that provides support for a wide range of compressed, encoded and disc-image files, as well as very powerful features; all through an easy to use application interface and Windows Explorer integration. Supports ZIP, 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BH, BZ2, CAB, CPIO, DEB, GCA, GZ, IMP, JAR, LHA (LZH), LIB, RAR, RPM, SQX, TAR, TGZ, TBZ, TAZ, YZ1 and ZOO archives. Supports BIN, C2D, IMG, ISO and NRG disc-images. Support for external plugins. Windows® shell integration, e.g. drag & drop, shell context menu and drop handlers. Create 7-ZIP, BH, BZ2, CAB, JAR, LHA (LZH), SQX, TAR, TGZ, YZ1 and ZIP archives. Repair corrupted ZIP and SQX archives. Can extract multiple archives at once using Multi Extract. Encrypt archives using 6 different algorithms. Blowfish (128-bit), DES (56-bit), Triple DES (168-bit) and Rijndael (128-bit, 192-bit and 256-bit). Create self-extracting encrypted archives. Automatic updates using the "Web Update" function. Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP -----------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Download 4 MB  |
 | Ccy HaHaZip  Those files have large sizes to be transfered between different machines will increase time. Compression utility can solve this terrible condition. It makes more efficient when the file size reduced to smaller. Zip is the one kind of compression format. They are very popular transfer on the internet. Context menu (integrated to right-click pop-up menu in File Explorer) SFX (Zip to Exe) Convert Exe to Zip Disk span Combine split zip files Repair zip files Password protection Add comment to archive Test archive File Explorer on main screen Shell-execute virus scanner Automatically resize columns of main list Change font to main list Win 95/98/ME/2000/XP/Vista ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |  Download 1.36 MB  |
 | FilZip Zip tool with support for 15 archive types  FilZip is an archiving utility (zip tool) that can open various archive types including ZIP, ARJ, CAB, RAR, TAR and others, as well as internet encoded files .UUE and .XXE. It offers Windows integration, drag and drop, encryption, multi-extract and more. It also comes with a SFX-Creator (self-extracting archives), optional encryption, add, delete, view, open files from an archive, view the zip comment, password protect zip files, test files while extracting, and automatic installation of archives. You can also convert an archive into another format or email it via the built-in mailer. Win 95/98/ME/2000/NT/XP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |  Download 1.3 MB  |
 | IZArc Powerful archiving utility  IZArc is the ultimate archive utility suports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BZ2, BZA, CAB, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MBF, MIM, PAK, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. With a modern easy-to-use interface, IZArc provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools. It allows you to drag and drop files from and to Windows Explorer, create and extract archives directly in Windows Explorer, create multiple archives spanning disks, creating self-extracting archives, repair damaged zip archives, converting from one archive type to another, view and write comments and many more. IZArc has also build-in multilanguage support. IZArc is the most complete archive utility available today. Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP -----------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Download 3.4 MB  |
 | JustZIPit  JustZIPit simplifies ZIP and UnZIP compression to the bare bone! Discarding all clunky interfaces forever, JustZIPit simply ZIPs and unZIPs -- all with one click from the context menu. Powerful engine includes fast full automatic implementation of ZIP-64 for HUGE files -- which means JustZIPit is among the most powerful ZIP tools period! Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |  Download 378 KB  |
 | ICEOWS De/compression tool  ICEOWS is written to compress or extract archive files easier. With ICEOWS you can extract, test, read properties and comments or view files stored in ICE, ARJ, ZIP, GunZip, TAR, Microsoft CAB, RAR, ACE, MIME, Mac HQX, UUEncode, XXEncode, Base64, JAR, EAR, WAR, LHA, IMP, BZ2 files without an external program. If the archive is an ICE, ARJ or ZIP, you also can add, update and delete files stored within the archive. It integrates all of these functions in the same explorer interface that Windows 9x, Me, NT or XP has. ICEOWS adds a new ICE format which is excellent for reducing the size of text files. Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP |  Download 740 KB  |